Sheesh! It is 4 degrees F -- with strong wind gusts and blowing snow here. It got up in the 50s last Friday and into the 60s on Saturday. We hit a high of 14 today. The ponds were almost ice free on Sunday.

Early tomorrow morning I hope to get into town with the truck and a trailer. I went in this evening in my car, and saw Christmas trees on the curbs everywhere. Tomorrow the city will send crews of chippers around to turn them into mulch. I hope to get there before the chippers.

I figure the ice is now strong enough for me to safely walk on it. So I'd like to put as many out on the ice as I can. I'll fasten concrete blocks tied to the bottoms.

I've got a big pile of big rocks from the garden that I've been saving. I plan to put piles of them on the ice too.

Stay warm.

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