Pat and FishnChips, thanks. I am taking a closer look on rabbit manure now. I guess the species of the rabbit doesn't really make a big difference, does it? Because i am not sure if i will be able to find New Zealand ones smile .

Pat 10' in 1 year? I am assuming you are fooling this poor foreign boy.

Bill, i know the majority of Sycamore seeds would be empty. 75% of them were floating in the water. So i knew only 10 of them were solid. But only 1 germination?

For Bur Oaks you said "The Quercus macrocarpa that have begun to show the root emerging could be sown into pots, the top shoots may take a month or two to develop. " . I thought they didn't require stratification after reading your comment.

Last edited by Fatih; 01/02/15 04:47 PM.