Question here guys. Lets talk vegetation in a new pond in E Texas. So u have a pond where 3 of the 4 the banks are steep. If u r standing at waters edge and take two steps out u will be in 4 to 6 foot of water. I am not sure what the grade is. I asked my builder to do it that way because reduced light penetration from water depth, ment less weed growth. I was trying to reduce the chances of vegetation getting out of hand. Not sure it will work, but that was my thought process. I do want some vegetation, and so when do I plant the seeds. The pond should be full by Feb if not before. I am using well water and rain run off to fill. Do I put the seed in now? And let the water come up and cover the planted seed of what? Better to have the vegetation I want, crowding out what I don't want? What and when would u plant?

Do not judge me by the politicians in my City, State or Federal Government.
