This is like watching water boil... come on rain!! I'm hoping the mounds are under water when we visit for New Years. I can't wait to drive the anchor posts in the top of the mounds and get some lilies started around them for cover. Guess I'll need a boat soon... maybe Santa's listening! laugh

Pallets have stayed put (under water) in the spawning area with no weights or stakes. Most of the brush is holding - just a few logs floating. Overall, wish I'd used cinder blocks instead of rip rap because they are cheaper & provide cavities where forage fish and fingerlings can hide. I may still throw in some cinder blocks. I have a huge root ball I need to push in along the bank somewhere. A few cedar trees near the spawning areas should finish off the cover. So far, I'm pretty happy with the result. smile

I'll be stocking soon! - FHM, BG with CC and (limited) LMB later... grin

A few photos are in the attached file showing our progress from excavation until now. Enjoy and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Attached Images

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles.
- Doug Larson