Nebucks experience mirrors mine - I stocked 3 12-13" fish in 2010 and at least one fish survived and thrived - caught her twice both times around 20" and almost 4# - she was doing very well. I have since stocked WE four times for a total of 200 fish ranging from 6-14" and growth has been very slow. Original 50 stockers are around 14-15" now 4 years later - adding around 2" annually. I think once their gape allows them to target 3-4" BG I'll see some fast growth, but most fish aren't there yet.

On another note of potential interest...late Fall I received a delivery of 10 G fhm to restock in the BG/YP pond I had drained, seined and nuked weeks earlier. I was holding them in cages so I could carefully hand sort small batches at a time and stock the pond. Early evening I was on the dock and the green monster turned on - crazy scene revealed. The swimming motion from the thousands of FHM in the cages had called in the predators. I had big HBCP lined up around the cages trying to figure out a way inside, I surmised. So, I started netting a few FHM and tossing them in front of the fish, hoping to illicit some strikes. The HBCP went wild, and soon a few YP and smaller SMB showed up and got into the action - but the HBCP were by far the most efficient and successful at plucking the FHM - which surprised me. I had minnows swimming everywhere getting hammered on the surface, against the dock floats, against the cages, beneath the dock - lots of fun. I kept tossing in handfuls of minnows, to keep the action going, probably giggling like a schoolboy. Then, in the shadowy margins of the monster light, I was able to catch a glimpse of something big that made a strike, then quickly headed back out away from the green glow. It must have been that original big mama WE - while I didn't see her head, I did get a great shot of her from the pectoral fins on down to the tail as she slowly swam away. First time she had been spotted in 2 years, and I'd guess she'd put on another couple inches and was very rotund - guessing 5# plus. It was a great moment - hope I can tempt her through the ice this Winter, if we ever get hard water again, that is.

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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