Originally Posted By: timshufflin
Originally Posted By: teehjaeh57
Engaging in meaningful discourse and debating concepts and theories is one of the reasons I'm here, for expand my education, and I know Bob and Mike [owners of Pond Boss] encourage it. However, I expect everyone to remain respectful regardless of the position they may adopt and not post recklessly. Bear in mind Sparkplug, Dave, Esshup and George have many many seasons of practical, hands on, scientific experience. These guys are my brothers, and I owe them all a debt of gratitude - please be respectful when alluding to them in a post. It's just how we do things here - aspire to a higher standard and you'll be treated accordingly. Seems fair to me.

The newer guy deserves no less respect than the guy who's been here forever. That said, I haven't seen any real disrespect in this thread, only some subtle digs used in passionate debate. I think everyone should quit defending their friends and work on defending their theoretical/scientific positions. Every time I see anyone with a "new idea" on ANY forum the traditionalists always start feigning shock and awe on being disrespected, threaten moderation, beg to end the thread.

Come on folks, put your big boy pants on and simply debate the topic and quit with all this sissy crap about being disrespectful, I've not seen anything nearing that except MAYBE on the traditionalist side of this topic.

Thank you. You put it better than I could have.