Plug, I know that and the changing seasons are great. I used ta love sittin in a stand when it froze the hairs in yer nose. Ice fishin when the hole would skim over every 5 mins. Shroom huntin in the "warm" spring sunshine and oogling the fantastic leaf colors of bow season. Thing is some of are just born wimps and as age creeps up on us at thousands of mph. we get wimpier. I admire and envy all of you folks that seem to get tougher with with age. You, Catmando, John Monroe(in his 70s and able to haul a wooden Kayak around), Old, old Bill Cody(insert smiley face), Snrub, RAH, Dwight, Stick DD1, and soooo many more aging proudly and still bravin the elements. My hat is off to all of you. Hope all on here remember it's my nature to be a smart Arse and hope I never offend anyone. Cecil and Cody know me pretty well and have defended me often in the past. Hope ya all bear with my weird sense of humor. I believe even the good Dr Condellow has even grown immune to my insults. I admire and respect most everyone on this site even tho humor is quite often lost on paper or the screen.

Do nature a favor, spay/neuter your pets and any weird friends or relatives.