I have come to understand I need to remove more LMB. Part of my excuse is that 30 years ago I had a 5 ac lake to which I gave some people permission to fish anytime they wanted to do so. However, soon they brought a friend who then thought he had permission to fish anytime, he brought a friend, etc. One morning, wife and I awoke to three strangers fishing near our bedroom patio door. So this lake is an invitation only lake.
Perhaps a good way would be to have a tourney for dads and kids for two or three times next spring and summer. That would be fun to watch.

I will check the water chemistry too. (I am a retired chemistry teacher. I can handle that!!)

As an old science teacher, could I make my own shocker? For those of us who like to tinker....

I appreciate everyone's thoughts. I had no idea when I built this lake it would take so much work. But there is fun too. I never fish alone, I always have two or three old geezers along!!

Tooger Smith