Same here Dave. HUGE acorn drop.

I got into the stand late today, didn't see anything for about an hour, next thing I know I'm opening my eyes and there's a doe about 22 yds away, downwind. Her head goes behind a tree, so I get a chance to get the x-bow pointed at her and the safety off. She's at 20 yds now, but facing directly towards me. I just about close my eyes, (I think staring at them at that close range gets them nervous - it's like they can sense that a predator (me) is close.)

She stomps her foot, looking right at me, does the old head bob a few times, then takes a few more steps towards me. I had ranged a tree at 18 yes, and she's about a yard this side of it. She starts acting even more nervous, and takes a step to the left, showing me a hard quartering to shot. I put the crosshair tight behind the shoulder and squeeze. The arrow is in the ground, she wheels around and is off. I see her run about 50 yds, make a hard right turn then she disappears behind some trees.

I grab the binoculars, but can't see a thing. I climb down, find the arrow, and it's got good blood on it. I debate re-cocking the x-bow, but there's about 45 minutes to go 'till legal shooting light ends. I figure that with the deer out there somewhere, I'm pushing my luck climbing back up and waiting. So, I gather my stuff, and start following the blood trail after 1/2 hr. Good blood trail, and I find her not 10 yds after I last saw her. The Rage entered tight to the shoulder bone where I had aimed, clipped the both lungs, liver and also nicked the stomach on the way out, exiting behind the last rib on the opposite side.

When I looked at the time I shot her, I realized that I've had roughly 30 hrs sitting in the stand before a doe came by. I'd say she's 1 1/2 years old. Not the biggest doe that I've shot, but not a yearling either. That's the first doe I've seen too!

I'm a firm believer in the orange bottle "Dead Downwind" now. I started using it this year, and I've had 3 deer go down wind of me, and while they were a bit nervous, they didn't spook, and they were all within 20 yds.
3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).