Today I caught two more skinny LMB. One on a dead BG and the other on a live red worm. I also caught a skinny 3 - 4 lb CC on a live minnow my friend had leftover from his fishing trip. I was surprised that after 10 years without feed any CC were left. He brought back at least 20 5+" BG to help get things back in balance. At this point we have harvested around 9 lbs of LMB. His fish are lawn mower trained. He swears that we can catch another 5 lbs by simply running his riding lawn mower along the pond edge blowing the grass into the pond. It sends the bass into a feeding frenzy. We will be trying that trick soon. I need to catch more 3"ish BG for the front coming in next week to try and put a big dent in whats left to be caught. Its time to make a few BG traps and put them to use.

Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank, Give a man a bank and he can rob the world.