I was hoping they were all just out around the structure in more of the center of the pond where I just can't see unless I get out there somehow. Thanks!

On another note, I have an 8" pipe through the bottom of my pond that I necked down to 4" with a ball valve and after that I'm planning to split with a 4" T and cap with a 1.5" ball valve coming out to allow most of my flow out through this pipe and my normal pool overflow to just make up the difference. I have a pretty constant 20 GPM or higher flow. It seems to drop down around 20 GPM after sustained low rain conditions and then goes up after rain. I figured I can at least pull some water off the bottom but the 4" ball valve is to big to throttle hence the T and smaller valve. I probably have 10 feet or so of head. What do ya'll do in the winter if you have water in the pipe? I figure the flow will be enough to keep it from freezing but do you cover/insulate the pipe in any way. I'm in central VA so we can get down pretty cold. We were in the single digits a few times earlier this year.....

David Clapper