Thank you. @ Canyoncreek these two are my uncles dogs, ones a black lab and the other most likely a mutt. Great dogs, but not the best fishing partners as they prefer to wade in the shallows or swim out to greet you in the boat. But are good dogs non the less.

@ Bill I sure will next time get the flat head information gape/weight/length, I was being terrorized by mosquito`s that particular evening. I normally wait until about 1 hour before dark, if you already have bait ( 4-7" HBG) caught and noodle jugs setup. Most of my noodle jugs are short 80lb lines no longer than leg length with two hooks one 2ft down from the noodle and another a few inches from bottom of line with weight 2 ounce at the bottom. Circle hooks work best 6/0 to 8/0.
Don`t be afraid to toss in shallows from the bank. Two of these were caught 2 minutes after being tossed out in less than 4 feet of water, so have a boat handy or a heavy duty rod with a treble hook to grab hold of the noodle float.
On the conversion factor the other thing that would come into play would be competing species of fish. Flatheads in the pond may grow faster with limited competition other than a few LMB, against our other pond which has FHC,CC, BLC, LMB, BCP

Forced to work born to Fish