I couldn't find a Poll tool on this forum, so forgive me for using a regular post if you have one.

In comparing two side by side parcels with ponds that are otherwise the same, with the exception that Property A is vacant except for the pond and Property B has a residence, would a pond add greater value to the one with the residence? Please choose one of these answers:

1. Yes, the pond would add more value to the property with the residence. For example, with a residence, the pond would add $20,000 to the value of Property B, but only $10,000 to Property A because it is vacant.
2. No, the pond would add about the same value to either property. For example, both Property A and B would be worth $20,000 more because of the pond.
3. No, the pond would add less value to the property with the residence. For example, Property A, the vacant parcel, the pond would add $20,000 to the value but only $10,000 to the value of Property B that has the residence.

Thank you