Lets take an unbiased look at the the waste passed from each formula. Keep in mind this only applies to a carnivore.

Revised Gamefish Grow

47.7% protein, 12.7% fat, 20.2% starch, 3.7% fiber, 15.7% ash

Purina Aquamax Grower 500

41.3% protein, 12% fat, 31.7% starch, 4% fiber, 11% ash

Protein Waste: Gamefish 47.7 x .88 digestible protein = 42.3
47.7 - 42.3 = 5.3% waste

Aquamax 41.3 x .94 digestible protein = 38.8
41.3 - 38.8 = 2.4% waste

All fat is either used for energy or stored

Starch Waste: Gamefish 20.2 - 20 = .2% waste

Aquamax 31.7 - 20 = 11.7% waste

All Fiber is passed Gamefish 3.7% waste

Aquamax 4% waste

Ash is used at around 7% - 8% Gamefish 15.7 - 7.5 = 8.2% waste

Aquamax 11 - 7.5 = 3.5% waste

Total Waste: Gamefish 17.4% waste Aquamax 21.6% waste

I am still not happy with Gamefish. The protein waste is too high for my liking. Need to switch to a fish parts meal to get the protein digestibility up and the ash down.

Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank, Give a man a bank and he can rob the world.