Originally Posted By: esshup
Tums, can you post a link to the food that was medicated? (or what you did to medicate the fish)

Esshup here you can order medicated feed thru the local coop. I mostly used the Terramycin sinking feed with channel catfish.
UF Medicated Feed (1995)

Originally Posted By: Pat Williamson

Where would you find medicated feed?

Pat I can order my medicated sinking feed thru the local farmer coop here. It comes in 50# bags. The only 2 types of medicated I ever used are on the link I posted for Esshup. The sinking feed takes a lot longer than the floating feed to get out of the fishes system (you are supposed to wait like a month for consumption of fish). I already feed a mix of sinking and floating feed. The biggest reason I mix it 50/50 is that I can see that fish are still feeding (not to sick to feed) and it is what they are somewhat used to.

Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1

When you used medicated feed did you know exactly what pathogen you were dealing with or was this a it can't hurt approach.

I can't imagine adding enough salt to a pond to have a therapeutic effect. Even my 1/10th acre ponds would take a few hundred pounds of salt.

Cecil understand most of my experience is in a high density CC environment. First the most important thing to due if you are going to feed medicated is start the treatment even before you have a official diagnoses. If you wait for the 100% diagnoses the fish may have got to sick to feed adequately on the medicated feed. That saving a few dollars on medicated feed then just got really expensive.

Cecil that is a misconception of using salt. Salt can help even on the PPM scale. Say your 1/10 acre pond had 1 acre feet of water (or 10 ft deep avg) and you have a Brown Blood disease problem. Your NO2 is 10 PPM & CI is 20 PPM. You would only need to add 45# of salt to prevent some fish from getting BBD or 180# to treat it. I am not saying I use salt as a dip to treat fish. Salt in lower levels can help prevent disease from spreading just like an aspirin can help prevent a heart attack. Also note using salt all the time will make disease also build up a immunity. Salt in aquaculture is a friend.