Originally Posted By: snrub
Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1
Originally Posted By: CJBS2003
Cecil, how much profit is there in selling for $75. If you don't wish to share, I understand. Just seems like a lot of work to produce such an amazing fish...

What work? It's like throwing feed to chickens once a day!

Now you are being exceptionally modest. That is like me as a farmer saying growing a corn crop is easy. Just throw some seed and fertilizer out there and you have it!

I would say your level of knowledge and expertise gained is not something "easy" for everyone to replicate. wink You did a great job that few can likely do. Certainly not me.

But it's fun for the most part or I wouldn't do it. Well... there is the profit motive too.

BTW the few brook trout I harvested are almost gone and I haven't even advertised on the taxidermy website yet.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.