Originally Posted By: fish n chips
Don't forget, unused feed will add to possible unwanted FA or other.

I have found that this is folklore.

What happens if you overfeed is , the smaller fish who are scared away by the larger fish, come in and knock off the leftovers after the larger fish have finished swarming the food and gotten their bellies full.

The other thing that happens is the minnows will consume more than you think. Crawfish will eat on it too. If you have any smaller hatchlings, and/or .5 -2.0 inch fingerlings, guess what?
They get theirs too.

It's very doubtful in my opinion that over feeding by a cup or 2..........or even 5 cups, is going to cause a FA problem.
It is much more likely that it gets consumed. Maybe not right away and it may float around for a while, but they will not let it go to waste.

You'd almost have to throw 10 pounds in there in one feeding, twice a day ( at least in my pond) to begin to start a problem.

If you don't believe me, feed your fish until the larger fish can't eat anymore. Then walk around the pond throwing as much as a pound or 2 on the edges of the banks and see how long it lasts with minnows and smaller fish feeding on it and pecking away at it.

I feed my forage base too, and you'd be surprised at what they can consume in a short time.

Which again, leads me to this.
Why feed your game fish, while letting your forage base starve?

This is the approach I have taken. May not be for everybody, but the result speaks for itself.
My bream were stocked at 1- 1.5 - 2.0 inches on May 17, 2014. Two inches being the larger of them and there were very few that were 2 inches.
Here we are going on 5 months later, and this is what some of them look like now.

Last edited by Jason007; 10/08/14 08:38 PM.