Originally Posted By: Bullhead
I have a two acre pond that was over run with bullheads when we bought the place it sits on a couple of years ago. I have been thinking about trying to kill them off with rotenone. Since I'm sort of a part time farmer I called one of my ag chemical suppliers to see if they can get it and what the price would be. I calculated that I would need at least ten gallons and probably more since bullheads are the hardest species to kill. It comes in four gallon jugs at $120 a gallon. So we're talking about $1440 and I'm not even sure it will work.
I think I'll go back to the drawing board.

I have been down the same path (or bullhead adventure) as you with the exception of pond size. Here's a free lesson if it pertains to you....

Last season,I drew my pond down, applied Rotenone at 10%-20% above suggested dosage, made sure the pond was froze to the bottom, then stocked what was to be my YP only pond. I am the worst fish manager on earth. blush As of a couple weekends ago my YP only pond; now has BH's once again. With the added bonus of GSF!

Those BH's are relentless!! I have inflow and outflows so they must be invading from areas that I don't even see...on my own property I might add. Did I mention I am the worst fish manager in the world?

I will now go back to using LMB and will have a brand new gallon of a chemical I will probably never use on my shelf. My humble suggestion is to try and figure out how they got in because I would bet they will do it again. Those little sons of you know whats ! I would hate to see you go to the work and expense and end up with my results

Last edited by mnfish; 09/17/14 10:50 PM.