OK guys I could really use some help here. I finally got enough rain this week to get the pond within 26 inches of being full. My plan is to stock SMB,YP,HSB,RES. In the spring I stocked my FHM,GSH, 250 RES, 200 Hybrid RES. I was planning on stocking HBG, but a hatchery in northern Illinois thought I would be short on the forage and would need BG. I am definitely not going with BG. As you guys have advised me earlier in this post,I have tried to contact Nate Herman but I haven't heard anything back from him yet. I noticed he hasn't been on PB or his web site since July. My question is this, should I stock some HBG, and some more RES this fall, and if so what kind of numbers. Should I stock the Hybrid RES, or the standard RES. The hybrids have done really well this year, they were 2" to 4", and in 11 weeks were 6 1/2 to 7 1/4 inches. They pulled off a spawn, and was taking to pellets. I am also worried about my forage base, so I was wondering if I should stock extra heavy on the HBG, and the RES this fall, so they might pull off a spawn come next spring. Then in the spring stock the predators. I would think I would still have another good FHM spawn. I figure the HBG will eat some of the smaller FHM this winter, but most of the adults will survive. Thanks in advance for the help. Steve