That's a good fish there, a shame to chuck it all now.

I still recommend waiting. As others have stated, give your predators time to grow into the forage. To me, adding LMB and BG at this junction has more negative aspects going for it than positive. True, the LMB will hammer the recruitment, but BG will provide a LOT more forage than what you have now, so I see very little gained. Plus, your SMB, YP, and HSB goal will never realize it's ultimate potential.

If you really feel the need to make a change, what about adding a few single sex LMB this spring? Since you don't need trophy LMB I wouldn't worry about sourcing females, but instead would try the easier route and catch a handful of males off the nest. A few male LMB should allow you to maintain your original goals, while adding pressure on the HBG recruitment.

"Forget pounds and ounces, I'm figuring displacement!"

If we accept that: MBG(+)FGSF(=)HBG(F1)
And we surmise that: BG(>)HBG(F1) while GSF(<)HBG(F1)
Would it hold true that: HBG(F1)(+)AM500(x)q.d.(=)1.5lbGRWT?
PB answer: It depends.