Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
TJ - FYI I usually have poor success catching the large YP during periods of water temps above 75F, even worse is water temps above 80F. Best time to sample them is in spring after spawn; pre 75F, mid-late fall, or during ice fishing.

Ditto! I have around 300 over 13 + inch perch in my trophy pond and you would think by the poor feeding response they are all dead. But I went through this last summer and they were all there come spring as fishing was fast and furious and they all looked healthy. I have a hunch the big ones sulk on the bottom in warm temps and may be feeding on snails if anything. There are no forage fish in the pond.

I took Bob O and his granddaughter down to the pond a couple of weeks ago (see other thread) and we only caught a couple smaller ones that I put in this year.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.