An approximate 20# snapping turtle, placed in a plastic trash can without the lid, and then placing the trash can in a speed boat for a 1.5 hr drive to the lake will NOT ensure that the turtle is still in the trashcan OR the boat upon arrival. (It was fun crawling up in the bow of the boat looking for the turtle, and in the side ski pockets....) I hope it survived the 60+ mph slide down the highway. fact

2 people can in fact share a small jon boat with up to 4 large turtles without problems providing that all the turtles stay on their backs and under the boat occupants shoes. If one turtle gets right side up, then the boat shrinks in size by approximately 90% in a heartbeat. fact

Cutting the head off of a turtle, then hanging it head down to bleed out for a few hours will NOT ensure that the feet don't move around and claw at you when it's being skinned. fact
3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).