So what is a good recommendation of stocking for pond #1

Im thinking I would like FHM, RES, CNBG, LMB, GC, and to manage it for larger bass, but still be able to catch bass and bluegill on each outing. I do not eat fish and will be looking for a way to cull fish from my pond.

Dunns say:
10lb of FHM
150 LMB
750 CNBG
200 RES
10 Grass Carp

From what I have researched I think I would like:
And 3 Grass Carp

My reasons for this would be to establish a good forage base with the Minnows and CNBG with the RES there to control snails, our ponds have been known to have many snails and the fish to have the spots from the parasite.

Their 150LMB stocking rate seems high, I think at 50 it would provide the bass quicker growth on the CNBG and FHM and less of a chance at the LMB overpopulating as soon.

The pond was originally stocked with HBG amd I think this after reading on here was definetly a issue along with my strict catch and release method of the stunting of our fish, I do upon thinking back remember catching less and less BG as the years went on and them being smaller as time went on.

As for the grass carp I think I need to run down to the pond and drag out a sample of the weeds present, post, get an ID and see if the fish would be of service to me. 10 Grass Carp seem like far to many.

Plan would be to stock the FHM ASAP this year. Followed by CNBG this Spring and LMB in the Fall. Should the GC be stocked with the Minnows and BG or with the Bass

Or would it be okay to stock the CNBG and RES this fall? and LMB this coming spring or fall? Worried that 950 sunfish would heavily predate on the FHM but if they had several spawnings before the LMB went in that would be a mute point.

I believe I may throw some pallets in the shallows along the Dam for the FHM to breed in then remove them in a year or two.

I also am going to see if dad will help put some dried Hedge in the pond with me for Bass Cover in the deeper areas.