I got about an hour in before I got dumped on and took several casts before the first hit, then ended up with 9 total before the rain hit again.

The first 3 caught were BG, HBG(?) and surprisingly a RES!

What a blast!!!!

I first tried the curly tail on the jig head as shown in the upper right of my previous post but found it very difficult to cast due to the weight of the jig head. And had the same trouble with the wooly bugger. Instead of casting the line I felt like I was casting the fly and it was definitely a struggle! But the bumble bee popper (much lighter) was much easier and it's what I caught all the fish on.

Any suggestions or tips when using the heavier flies?
I'm also struggling with getting much distance. It seems the more line I let out, the more it loads up(?) yet I'm trying real hard to not go forward or back until the fly/fly line has fully extended.

Maybe it's just a matter of more practice, but thanks in advance for any help!


Last edited by Lovnlivin; 08/29/14 08:27 PM.

Keith - Still Lovin Livin

(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES