Pond #2
Depth: 2-15ft

This pond for most of my recollection only ever had bullheads. We had a huge bullhead infestation, and at one point in the early 90s my father stocked 15 3# channel.

It wasnt until around 2006 or so that the pond diversity took a drastic change. Tired of catching bass and bluegill from the pond #1 I decided to go see if anything else was available in pond #2 which I had not fished in 2 years.

Much to my suprise on my first cast I pulled out a nice 15" or so bass. Confused I cast again, another bass. Perplexed as to where they were from I asked my dad and soon we were all at the pond fishing. Catching bass after bass after bass.

We returned a few days later and caught something new. Black crappie. My first experience with crappie, man were they fun!

We later found out that a storm the year before had washed out a large number of fish from a neighboor uphills pond. They had rapidly grown in our pond feasting on the hundreds of bullheads.

My question for this pond is what would be good to stock in it if I wanted crappie? I do not eat fish, but love to catch them. I would be willing to cull them in other ways if neccesary besides eating them.

My original idea was possibly to stock this pond with FHM, CNBG, BC,and a decent number of CC to help keep populations down once they reach 3#s or so and then as we cull bass from pond #1 to stock them in this pond.

Any suggestion is welcome.

Sorry its hard to see where the pond actually is due to weeds.

Last edited by DBlackston; 08/29/14 08:55 AM.