Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1
Originally Posted By: DonoBBD
Yes it seems that we have to many minnows. We did catch some emerald shiners as well as common shiners in the minnow trap. There is a bunch of fatheads as well. The emerald shiner is much more bright and thinner of the shiners. Wow are they fast too.

Now when the feeder gos off the perch are there catching the minnows eating the feed. We can see a boil of the minnows trying to get away from the attacking perch. Its really neat. I hope to catch it on video and post it. The perch seem to just smash at the school of minnows.

I guess the good thing is that the number of perch and number of minnows should hold its ground for some time if the minnows keep populating this well.

Now thoughts are going to if the shiners would have eaten the perch eggs from this springs spawn or if the perch could spawn late still. Can't seem to catch or see any young perch. Our lights could be in to deep of water. They are off the dock in 12 feet of water. If we put a hot dog bun in the minnow trap its gone in ten minutes or one beer and we have easy four dozen minnows in the trap. No perch minnows.

Cheers Don.

I would never be too concerned about too much forage. And as prolific as yellow perch are I wouldn't be worried they are being eaten up.

How long have the lights been up? It may take a while to see many perch.

Keep in mind once perch get to a certain size they are no longer phototactic. I believe it's about 3 to 4 inches.

The lights have been up for about a year now. They are LED and are very bright. I think the problem with these lights are the location, depth of water, and they bring in the bugs so the 3-4" perch are all around them at night. Have to try something different in the shallows. Maybe one of our 3 watt ones.

Cheers Don.

[Linked Image from corvettejunkie.com]

7/8th of an acre, Perch only pond, Ontario, Canada.