..A man and his wife are having coffee one morning on the husbands birthday :

"Honey you know, now that you turned 50, you should really go see a proctologist. A yearly check up and schedule a colonoscopy. I love you very much and would hate for something to happen that could have been prevented."

"No way. Are you kidding me? I feel fine."

"No matter what happens or what he tells you that has to be done, I will be there for you. Please go....for me!"

"Alright...for you"

Off to the doctor the husband goes. He returns hours later with a bottle of pills and a very goofy look on his face.

"Ok honey. You said you would help. The Dr. has scheduled my colposcopy and gave me a routine exam. He said he found that I had a small hemorrhoid and that I should use these suppositories. So I need to have you place these for me once a day.

"OK. Did the Dr. show you how to place the pills? How do I do it?

"Here's what you do. The Dr. put his left hand on my shoulder and then...wait no. He first put his right hand and my shoulder and then inserted...no wait!!! Come to think about it he had both hands on my shoulders!!!!