Hello all. This is my first post but have been reading intently to learn as much as possible. First, shout out to Bill Cody who has been more than generous with his time and advice. I have been reading and don't see anyone with ponds west of Texas. Apparently a pond in Arizona is a rare thing and a pond expert is even rarer. I am building a 1 acre pond approximately 20 feet deep. It will be a combination rain fed and well fed pond. I want it to be a combination swimming pond as well as fishing. I don't want to feed as this is a cabin property and only go up once or twice a month. It has a 6500 ft elevation with summer temps that can reach as high as 90 degrees but more often high 70s low 80s. Everyone here is telling me that FHM,BG,LMB,CC combo is my only option with some RBT sprinkled in. Will the RBT be able to survive against the onslaught of hungry LMB? I am filling now and the pond is about 6 ft deep and I'm going to put 50 lbs FHM in next week to get them started and then add 50 lbs of RBT next month. Will I have a good fishery if I don't add any other fish? Any recommendation of species and quantities would be greatly appreciated as well as any other advice for a new pond owner.
Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance!
Also, any recommended plants as well!

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
Winston Churchill