Thanks Fire I appreciate it!! Everything I got and everything I have done to my pond I owe all to the members of PondBoss! 4 years ago when I bought my place I had absolutely no idea what to do with a pond until I found then everything started coming together! No telling where I would be still if I would have never ran into this site and the great members in it!

To all the new folks out here, if I can do this with the help of these kind folks so CAN YOU!!! I had 0 expertise when it came to pond management 4 years ago, and now look even I have the every now and again trophy fish in my pond!!

It can be done!! Thanks everyone for your help and for your future help!! I will do my best to pay it forward and help someone else as it should be!!!


Last edited by RC51; 07/22/14 02:54 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!