Just looking for a simple system to protect the Point of Entry for the lines for the main aerator.

In the big picture there is a D.O. modeling study that is ongoing. I have some ideas that would incorporate something smaller located at key points that could operate on a similar scale.

The main system here runs for over $100 a day which realistically is too much $$$

Once we get the new "pond type" standby system operational and proof of concept we can look at other things like variable frequency drives for the big units and small point units.

What I know about the current standby system is that the motor is up for rebuild as it has a dead spot that it will not start from. The plan is to rebuild and keep it. What I have been told is that it runs at 50 psi and delivers air via a valve or restrictor. It runs approx. 1.5 minutes every 5 minutes which is far too often. At the very least it needs the pressure increased and a regulator added to drop the psi and flow so that the cycles are reduced.