1/3 rd acre pond is not that big when it comes to putting in fish. Rule of thumb is 50 pounds of predator fish per acre if not fertilized. So do the math. A half acre pond could have 25 pounds so a 1/3 acre pond I would say could have about 18 to 20 pounds of predator fish that's not much! And you said you already put 5 in there so let say those 5 bass get to be 2 pounds each theres 10 pounds already so I would not go more than 10 bass in that pond. That's just me though.


P.S. The younger smaller bass are actually better to transplant as they will have a better chance at conforming to their new BOW than older bass will. So I would not put any bass in there over 13 inches at this point.

P.S.S. One other thing. If all you have in there is GSF your bass will out eat them! GSF do NOT spawn enough to take care of the needs of hungry bass! So eventually you will have stunted bass no matter what unless you put some nice size BG in there to spawn! That's why Bob Lusk always says BG are the backbone for bass to thrive! Not GSF! Just saying.

Last edited by RC51; 07/08/14 07:45 AM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!