George!! I buy a flyrod and catch the biggest fish to date on my pond!! First time out ever with a flyrod!! smile Am I proud of that fish heck yeah!! I am still on cloud nine over that fish!! smile I know it's not near a Bruce or a Nate fish but still big in my book!

I can tell you this. I seem to be abel to cast better back hand than overhand with my flyrod at least for now anyway!

I also noticed that when I did an overhand cast I seem to be able to cast farther if I let the line lay down in the water behind me before I bring it forward... Is that weird or what? Course that doesn't help when I am on the shore fishing!! smile Either way I am HOOKED NOW baby!!! smile


Last edited by RC51; 07/07/14 01:35 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!