Haha so an update on that, since I missed the UPS guy and just got the notice and bill on my door I was required to attend the local UPS store and pay them. I did a little research because I was frustrated, found out that I could tell UPS to shove it.

I called them and told them I didn't give my consent for them to act as a broker for me. They had to reverse the 65.00 fee. I attended the customs office today (since I'm off with ankle surgery I have some free time) and filled out a B15 self declaration form. I then paid the tax (18.00) and faxed the form back to UPS.

Now UPS has to re deliver the pump within 48 hours with no additional fees. All in all it only saved me 45 bucks (minus the gas to drive 20 minutes), but its nice to know there's a way around UPS crazy fees. If you don't mind wasting an hour of your time. Also might add that the customs officer wasn't thrilled I was exercising this option. He was very ignorant, and told me if I want to get around the fees I should just buy everything in Canada. Guess he hasn't realized Canada doesn't offer the same products that USA does... but maybe he was having a bad day.

As for the mail box in the states, my friends brother lives just across in Watertown NY, I just hate to bother him often, and I just had a tractor part sent there last month so I didn't want to push my favors.

On another note, I see sunfish making nests all over already and I only put them in a week or so ago!!! Excited!!