I have noticed lots of small fry and baby fish. It also appears my BG are getting bigger and my LMB.

I was trying to figure all this out but would of the BG not been spawning in past years due to the Cat-Tails that had over run the whole pond. I had the pond completely cleaned of all Cattails last year. This year it is amazing all the baby fish I see. I added in lot of cover this summer too.

We have probably removed over 50lbs of CC and Flatheads over the past year too. Needless to say we have been having a lot of fish frys! smile

I have only kept about 5 nice Bluegills out and 3 LMB.

So my question now is where could I purchase some FHM? I would like to add some into my new shallow cover areas and get a good base of them growing. Is this possible and where can I buy them? Also how many should I buy. Pond is almost 3/4 of an acre.