Originally Posted By: Jay123
Well all this talk about the ecoplus 7 make me nervous but I just can't afford the other options. I can't locate a dealer that will ship to Canada so I'm ordering one next week and having it shipped to UPS in new York state then I will drive over and pick it up.

Hooking it up to 2 nine inch diffusers. Power right near the water so the air line will only be 30 feet out. Small 1/3 acre pond and it will only be 5 feet deep.

Fingers crossed!

Jay you will be very suprised at how well that pump will work in 5 feet of water! I had my first pump in 8 feet of water with 3 nine inch fusers for 4 years. That pump just got tired and it would not produce very good air anymore at 8 feet. At 6 feet it was fine. My second pump I got was a test subject from Ted Lea (God Rest His Soul) he gave it to me and wanted me to test it with my fusers. It ran fine also about the 7 foot mark but did not push as hard as my first pump did. Course I was not using Vertex fusers either and that's what Ted was testing with. I was using 9 inch fine bubble fusers from diffuser express.

Keep in mind Vertex fusers are great, but there one downfall in combination with a Eco 7 pump is they have a LOT more slits in them versus the diffuser express fusers so in turn it's harder for the Eco 7 pump to push enough air through all those extra slits at a certain depth. I still keep my Eco 7 I got from Ted as a backup, but I have sence moved on to a GAST 1/3 hp 0523 that Mr. Cody helped me get setup. I have to admit the GAST is a awesome pump! But what you can afford is what your can afford.

I get it that you can't afford it. That's why I got the Eco 7 myself at first. I now have tooooo many fish and tooo much invested in my pond so I wanted to make sure I was pushing enough water in my pond for my fish. On your 1/3 acre pond it's a great starter pump though and in 5 feet of water I would say it will run like a champ! I ran my one for 10 hours a day for 4 years ( except in winter here November through Feb.) and at the price of those pumps you can afford to have an extra one on the shelf if need be. Hey good luck and let us know how it works once you have it setup I am sure you will be happy.


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!