Hey ya'll I am glad this section is here on the Boss. I am really thinking about getting into fly fishing on my pond. I have never done it and don't know anything about it hardly so I am going to do a lot of reading in this area first before I start thowing out all kinds of questions. I am just glad it's here for me to read about. When I say I don't know anything I really don't? Lines / reels/ rods/ I have no idea what a 5wt means??? or a 7wt? No clue on type of line I need..... I don't really want to spend big bucks doing it but would like a decent setup. Should be interesting.... Good to know you all are here for when I bomb you with all kinds of questions!! smile


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!