Hybrid striped bass are tricky for a newbie. They also can't handle potassium if you add it for the plants.

30 lbs. for 100 gallons sounds heavy to start out if that is what you mean. Harvest weight of a 1/3 of a pound per gallon is doable. I've done over 1/2 pound per gallon on yellow perch but that was after a few years of experience and watching the water quality.

I bring YOY fish inside for the winter along with three high schools that do it for me. You can definitely get some size on the fish over the winter. One of my YOY perch that was a month over a year old got to 12 inches at one of the high schools.

Just remember you can't just add fish and go. You have to cycle your tank first and you need sufficient biofiltration and mechanical filtration or you will run into problems.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.