Originally Posted By: Yolk Sac

I've been afraid this would happen, when all my gentle and well meaning admonitions were ignored.

Sparkie, you have been responsible for the creation of a new life form, Cyanellus algae, GSF X FA. Happily, I believe if you mix 1 part rotenone in with 2 parts Cutrine plus, your problem can be solved. However, I would suggest moving with alacrity, as this species can rapidly evolve, and may be able to crawl from one body of water to another by the end of the summer.

Crawling algae....sounds like the plot line for a Syfy network movie premier. Ridiculous. I would expect more from a person of your scientific leanings.

On a more serious note however, I fear your frantic admonitions concerning the possible creation of a new, potentially malignant lifeform may contain some measure of truth. My Ameiurus/Typha project has yielded a species of cattail which is proving to be extremely hardy, chemically resistant, and highly prolific. Most disturbing however is the realization that when viewed in cross section, its leaves resemble an airfoil.

It may already be too late. Remain vigilant when you turn your eyes towards the heavens, and fear the wind that blows down from Indiana.

"Forget pounds and ounces, I'm figuring displacement!"

If we accept that: MBG(+)FGSF(=)HBG(F1)
And we surmise that: BG(>)HBG(F1) while GSF(<)HBG(F1)
Would it hold true that: HBG(F1)(+)AM500(x)q.d.(=)1.5lbGRWT?
PB answer: It depends.