Sprkplug, I have come to the personal conclusion that the vast majority of state biologists, and especially enforcement agents have almost NO "real world" knowledge of their chosen professions. Far too many simply read what others in the field before them say and accept it as proven fact that can never vary. Those "other" species issues are a prime example, one I am intimately involved in now!

The fact that a biologist would make a blanket discouragement of aeration, stating it will increase plant growth and potentially cause a die off (DO crash presumably?)late in summer would instantly make me feel the person teaching, is either very ignorant, stupid, in denial, uninformed, or all of the above.

It is sad that so many states rely on people that are not qualified, are ideologically motivated, and/or deny "real world" situations and repeated examples that refute old theories and improve the very environments those employees are there to help. Some states are blessed to have people in decision making positions that truly do have passion for their jobs, AND, they stay abreast of and even promote the latest discoveries that improve important aspects of their tasked job concerns.