I have 5 in my 1 acre pond and I see them all the time. In 8 feet deep and in 2 feet deep digging out weeds from the bottom on the pond. They will eat pellets if they are there. 5 GC in a 1/4 acre pond will scare the mess out of you when swiming once they start to grow up! I have a couple that are now at least 30 inches long maybe longer and large!! I would not want one of them running into me while swimming! smile

Anthropic is correct after about 7 years or so they start to not do there job very well. So remember when you put them in there and around the 7 to 8 year mark you need to remove and replace if you want more. I did not see mine at first either until they got larger then you will see them trust me!

Keep in mind if you just put them in your pond it may take till next spring until you actually see any results.


Last edited by RC51; 05/23/14 08:40 AM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!