Yeah my problem is I am wanting both decent sized bass and nice size BG so in order to have my cake and eat it too! smile I need to come up with a happy medium. So far I have done that but last year was the first year I had a actual LMB spawn so now I am going oh boy I got all these little guys running around in my pond now eating all my fish.

So I was just wondering if I could put a differnet spin on it and instead of trying to catch them little ones every one of them. If I caught a larger bass would it equate to say taking 3, 9 inchers out. I know I know I am over thinking this I am sure! Either way I know I need to get rid of a few more for sure. Like DJ said maybe I should judge it on pounds per acre per year and RW's instead of how many to remove.


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!