Stocked FHM & GSH from Jones again. Moved every FHM from one bucket to the next to check em. I only tossed 10 or so that I wasn't sure of. Wasn't sure what was up with some with a reddish brown spot on top of their head. As Esshup said, they seem to do a good job keeping their lot clean. Next day, I had a few up and pecking on AQ4000. Lotta green in the water, so they should be happy.

There are tadpoles everywhere along the shore, and quite the chorus at night. Was a little surprised to see they are carnivorous or at least carrion eaters.

Tadpoles like GSH

About 18" left to full pool. Forage fish spawning grounds are under water if they get in the mood. Another inch of rain forecast for this week, so it'll be closer to gut-check time on the overflow.