I am going to say yes to your question. Depending on the time frame. If you correct your number the LMB will start to grow agian but they will never get real big if you will. For an example lets say you have a stunted pond of LMB at 13 inches. Say 300 of them in a 1 acre pond. If you caught and kept 150 of those the others would start to grow again, (given there is enough food still for the 150 left) but their growth rate v.s. their age is all messed up now. So instead of having your bass getting to 6 or 7 pounds they may now only get to 3 to 4 pounds maybe 5 if your lucky. Hope that makes since. Keep in mind I am no expert on all of this just telling you what I have read and seen in my pond.


Last edited by RC51; 05/01/14 09:18 AM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!