Originally Posted By: J. Meyer
Is it common practice to keep large numbers of trophy size walleye on Erie? Maybe they don't release well?

Enjoy your blog, but some of these picture poses turned my stomach..

Lambast me if I'm missing something.....

J. Meyer, no lambasting needed... I was a little surprised to when the guys from the area said to keep all the big female wallleye... They said if the guys hook n line don't harvest them than the netters will just get a bigger allotment the following years... It's def completely different scenario than the lakes of Minnesota.... Now I'm completely ruined for walleye fishing anywhere else the rest of my life... Lake Erie is unbelievably 100 times better than any other walleye lake out there... They limit out 24-36 walleye per boat per day every day that they have weather good enough to fish...