Originally Posted By: Lovnlivin
Thanks again, SPRK!

#4 is what I'm about to find out. Hopefully the majority of leaks are towards the top so I can do just that,,,, for now at least. Even eliminating several of the leaks would help.

And there's very little on the web about removing spool-type adapters.

Any suggestions on good tubing, or just use the same type of air-line? It's only supplying pressure to the switch, not feeding the home.

At this point, I would simply try and match the inner diameter of the existing hose, to facilitate splicing. I don't see that you have much to lose by using the same stuff.....we've pretty much thrown the book out the window anyway. grin

"Forget pounds and ounces, I'm figuring displacement!"

If we accept that: MBG(+)FGSF(=)HBG(F1)
And we surmise that: BG(>)HBG(F1) while GSF(<)HBG(F1)
Would it hold true that: HBG(F1)(+)AM500(x)q.d.(=)1.5lbGRWT?
PB answer: It depends.