Hello everyone,
I'm very excited and thankful to join pond boss. I live in far northeast kansas and just started building my first pond (or very expensive hole) couple weeks ago. Currently running a D6 and sheepsfoot roller on the dam.. 2 more feet of dam to proposed waterline.

-Pond should be a little under 3 acres
-deepest 15'
-very little water under 2.5' (steep banks)

-clearer water than normal
-smallmouth bass as #1 priority
-natural structure only
-healthy diversified plant life

Things to do:
-finish pond
-import rock and boulders from surrounding area
-stock forage fish and crawfish
-monitor water levels.. I may drill a well and run a windmill for permanent clear and cool water source
-plant banks and buffer zone

I will have lots of questions... Thanks in advance,,,
