Speaking of goldfish...

Our pond started its life as a stormwater run off overflow pond when the street went in about 25 years ago. It filled in badly, so when we excavated for the house we pumped down the pond and redug it. Somehow a large goldfish showed up. Not sure if it stayed in the murk that was left in the bottom before we started to refill it or if someone passed by and 'donated' it to the pond. It looked all swollen in the belly and some what misshapen. We rarely saw it through the summer and did not see it in the fall. It stuck out like a neon sign so we figured a kingfisher or coon got it.

We had very hard winter with record ice for months and expected nothing would live through the winter. This spring what do we see but a normal appearing adult goldfish about 8" long and a single baby goldfish about 3" long swimming with it this spring. Now, where is the baby-daddy?

What is the chance with one adult and one juvenile goldfish that we will get more? My feeling is that someone dumped an aquarium goldfish into our pond (probably pregnant at the time even?) but one can never tell...