Originally Posted By: MSC
Lovnlivin, way to go on catching the crappies.

Thanks, MSC!

Beastman, I stocked them at 6-8" in the Fall of 2012 and they took to pellet feeding right away, and I try to feed twice per day (hand tossed). I feed Aquamax 600 for the BG and Aquamax LMB pellets for the HSB and LMB that were taking to pellets as well.

The 4 HSB caught Saturday were all around 14-15" and healthy (by the size of their bellies) but I didn't get a chance to weigh them. Learning more and more from the great folks here on PB, I'm hoping for even better growth this year as I've learned that even though they stop feeding after 15 minutes, give them time to digest the pellet(s) and toss out some more.

And yes, catching them on the ultralight was a blast and even more fun when I caught one for the first time on a fly-rod last year, and it will only get better smile. I'm just thrilled to see the winter survival of the HSB and LMB (but I've yet to see an adult BG).

Keith - Still Lovin Livin

(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES