Bill, thanks for the great info. And regarding the black spots, is it possible they picked that up after being in a plastic coffee can for 3 days? The ones bought and used out of the minnow bucket have not shown any spots, but I'll keep an eye on them.

The downside with the 1/4" mesh cage is the possibility of algae growth which I've had on my other cages (in short order) so I'll give the stock tank a shot and keep as many in minnow buckets at the pond as they can hold.

Snakebite, After a fish-kill June, 2012 I stocked 100 LMB, 100 HSB and about 2000 BG. Obviously the BCP spawn from Spring 2012 survived which is why I have so many in there. Right now I'm only removing BCP and LMB 12" and under.

My goal is simply (yeah right) big LMB and HSB, with BG for forage and for the kids to catch.

Keith - Still Lovin Livin
(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES