Originally Posted By: esshup
Even tho FHM can live in a toxic waste dump,,,,,

LOL, hearty little buggers!

Thanks for the replies, guys.

Snrub, I have no idea what kind of minnows I'm getting from the bait shop but here's a pic of one @ 2", and once I find where the BCP are schooled, it's game on catching one nearly every cast. Encouraging and fun to catch but discouraging to even imagine how many are still in there after culling over 1600 now!

Yesterday it was around 70 degrees with winds gusting up to 40 mph. It was interesting casting an ultralight in that head-wind but along with the BCP and the (3) 12" LMB, I pulled in 4 HSB, 2 on the minnows and 2 on the Crappie jig. Exciting would be an understatement!

Thanks again for the replies and I'll do some research on adding a filtration and circulation system.

Keith - Still Lovin Livin

(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES